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Our Bamboo Bird whistles are great fun, just blow and pull the plunger in and out. This causes the pitch of the whistle to go up and down as you change the length of the barrel of the bird whistle.
They are handmade in Bali by our wonderful instrument makers, from locally grown bamboo. As the bamboo is naturally grown the diameter of our bird whistles vary slightly. They come in a set of 2. They make ideal party bag toys!
They are a great instrument for children or anybody who wants to join in a Jam, they require no previous musical knowledge!
Bamboo Bird Whistles ( aka swanee whistles) - set of 2 - Fair Trade
- Brand: One World Musical Instruments
- Product Code: Bird Whistles set of 2
- Availability: 87
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Tags: bamboo, wind instruments, childrens, bali, instruments